Hey All,

We have been very busy looking into various galleries and venues, as we need a place that is big enough to fit all our art works as there is so many of us which is great!
I will keep you updated on a regular basis in regards to what is being done, we are very close to choosing a venue now and we are just yet to view the Barge House to help us make a decision.

Right now we are focusing on the largest spaces which are the Central Westminster Hall and the Barge House.

Once we have viewed Barge House and have received all the replies from the many emails we have sent, all this information will be added to the chart on the website for you to compare the galleries and you will all be able to vote and offer your views on which one you feel is suitable.

For the time being click here so you can see some of the Catering Facilities that the two Venues offer and some of the information we have so far.