Dear All Artists,

As explained in my previous email, due to complications with the original venue.  We have changed venues ,This space is a little smaller, but is based in a great location, and has a good reputation for exhibitions, the space covers 2 floors a total of 1000sqft, There is the prestigious Atlantis art shop which is located across the road, so artists will be present in the area.
The venue is located down a side road, just of Brick Lane, but this side road, has several shops, so there is plenty of activity, near  and around the venue.
All new information can be found by clicking here, scroll down on this page until you see NEW GALLERY SPACE. On this page you will be able to find details about the new space, how your work should be presented,  as well as a link to  download the flyer for the event which you can use to start promoting the exhibition, Artists are also advised to create their own flyer to individually promote themselves in relation to the event.

I would also like to ask all participating artists to send me the following as soon as possible, if they have not done so already.
( If you have already sent this, then please ignore the following)
1) At Least 2 pictures of the images that you are intending to display at the exhibition ( all images must relate to  the project theme ( forbidden fruit)
2) Your Biography (Artist Statement)

3) Payment of the £93.14 for your contribution in this event.

4) Full Address Details and Contact Information. ( For those who reside out of the UK and require an invitation letter)

More information will be updated over the next few weeks,
Please  do contact me if you have any further questions.